Saturday, December 28, 2019

Anatomy Of Anorexia By Steven Levenkron - 1329 Words

The book I chose for the critical book review is, â€Å"Anatomy of Anorexia† by Steven Levenkron. This book concentrates on the importance of detecting early symptoms of anorexia nervosa. This book is suitable for parents and friends of anorexia sufferers or others who would like to inform them of this disorder. He states that it typically has to do with teenaged girls and how people who experience this mental illness need serious help. This mental illness can even cause death, if not treated on time. It mentions how girls who are obsessed over their weight and size try to lose even more weight by doing extreme workout programs and severely restrict calories. He explains ways to detect someone with the beginnings of anorexia. He mentions how†¦show more content†¦This analogy seems to really work for S. Levenkron. He is very proud of his record. He has taken on nearly 300 patients, of whom 90% have recovered sufficiently from this illness and only one of his patience t ook her life. However, parents should be quite thankful to have been notified by an expert like Steven Levenkron who knows the development of the disease and how to find a stop to it. â€Å"When small children develop a sense of trust, and later a sense of intimacy or closeness to another, and a sense of self or identity, they are not vulnerable to becoming creatures of the culture in its most extreme form as exemplified by the media: magazines, movies, and so on. But individuals who are seduced by popular trends allow these trends to define much of their identity† (20). In this quote it mentions how children at a young age develops trust in their surroundings and closeness to others. In the process, they begin looking for their own identity. Therefore, they wouldn’t become defenseless to be like people in the media. They wouldn’t get sucked into wanting to be the same, and try to be different. â€Å"Some of these traits, such as perfectionist behavior, may dis guise themselves as gifts to parents. They may see the child as independent, not needing much support in a family overburdened by other problems. A successful child who often does well in school and is socially outgoing, does not appear worrisome† (21). In thisShow MoreRelated Eating Disorders and Ballet - Anorexia Nervosa is Eating the Soul of Young Dancers3494 Words   |  14 PagesEating Disorders and Ballet - Anorexia Nervosa is Eating the Soul of Young Dancers The applauding audience, the lights, sequins and feathers, the colorful, elaborate tutus, and satin pointe shoes capture the hearts of young girls. Where else can a young girl dream of becoming a princess, a swan, a dancing snowflake or flower, or a sugarplum fairy? Where else can she be a fairy tale character like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty? Where else can she be rescued by her handsome princeRead More Anorexia Essay3393 Words   |  14 PagesAnorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, one who avoids food for psychological reasons. 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