Saturday, December 28, 2019

Anatomy Of Anorexia By Steven Levenkron - 1329 Words

The book I chose for the critical book review is, â€Å"Anatomy of Anorexia† by Steven Levenkron. This book concentrates on the importance of detecting early symptoms of anorexia nervosa. This book is suitable for parents and friends of anorexia sufferers or others who would like to inform them of this disorder. He states that it typically has to do with teenaged girls and how people who experience this mental illness need serious help. This mental illness can even cause death, if not treated on time. It mentions how girls who are obsessed over their weight and size try to lose even more weight by doing extreme workout programs and severely restrict calories. He explains ways to detect someone with the beginnings of anorexia. He mentions how†¦show more content†¦This analogy seems to really work for S. Levenkron. He is very proud of his record. He has taken on nearly 300 patients, of whom 90% have recovered sufficiently from this illness and only one of his patience t ook her life. However, parents should be quite thankful to have been notified by an expert like Steven Levenkron who knows the development of the disease and how to find a stop to it. â€Å"When small children develop a sense of trust, and later a sense of intimacy or closeness to another, and a sense of self or identity, they are not vulnerable to becoming creatures of the culture in its most extreme form as exemplified by the media: magazines, movies, and so on. But individuals who are seduced by popular trends allow these trends to define much of their identity† (20). In this quote it mentions how children at a young age develops trust in their surroundings and closeness to others. In the process, they begin looking for their own identity. Therefore, they wouldn’t become defenseless to be like people in the media. They wouldn’t get sucked into wanting to be the same, and try to be different. â€Å"Some of these traits, such as perfectionist behavior, may dis guise themselves as gifts to parents. They may see the child as independent, not needing much support in a family overburdened by other problems. A successful child who often does well in school and is socially outgoing, does not appear worrisome† (21). In thisShow MoreRelated Eating Disorders and Ballet - Anorexia Nervosa is Eating the Soul of Young Dancers3494 Words   |  14 PagesEating Disorders and Ballet - Anorexia Nervosa is Eating the Soul of Young Dancers The applauding audience, the lights, sequins and feathers, the colorful, elaborate tutus, and satin pointe shoes capture the hearts of young girls. Where else can a young girl dream of becoming a princess, a swan, a dancing snowflake or flower, or a sugarplum fairy? Where else can she be a fairy tale character like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty? Where else can she be rescued by her handsome princeRead More Anorexia Essay3393 Words   |  14 PagesAnorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, one who avoids food for psychological reasons. 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Women aren t the only victims; men are suffering too, but just silently. According to Greek mythology, Adonis was seen as the premier model

Friday, December 20, 2019

Is The Naplan A Psychological Test Why Or Why Not

Question 1: Is the NAPLAN a psychological test? Why or Why not? The Australian Psychological Association (APS) defines a psychological test as the measure of characteristics and abilities of an individual including aptitude and intelligence (â€Å"Australian Psychological Society: Psychological testing, 2016). As educators are increasingly building competence in psychological fields involving assessment properties, test administration, interpretation and statistics (Bowles et al., 2016), administration of tests such as the National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), an annual assessment for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 which utilises psychological principles is becoming more commonplace. Unlike psychological tests†¦show more content†¦According to Cohen, Swederlik and Sturman (2013) the psychometric soundness of a test is evaluated through its validity, which ensures the test is measuring what it claims to and reliability, which ensures accuracy of the measure across different times and people. While the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACRA) presents information regarding the informed checks and balances in place for drafting and monitoring the NAPLAN, such as quality assurance, trials, expert advice, common scales, and difficulty equating (Reliability and Validity of NAPLAN, 2010), there remains a lack of data regarding testing of the specific psychometric elements of the tool. When addressing the reliability of the NAPLAN it is important to consider the restricted number of test items included, and how this minimises the test scope and impacts on very high and very low achievers (Howes, 2013). While the move to an online format will help address some of these, there remains a belief that the test goes against what is recognised as effective assessment practise due to an inconsistency with what is being measured and what is being taught within school curriculum (Facchinetti, 2013). It is contended that NAPLAN items are more strongly based on commonsense or traditional views which can shape the results rather than providing an accurate insight into the learning of individuals or the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Australian Immigration and Immigrant-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Is Australia an Asian Country in History, Present and Future? Answer: Australia is a diverse country in every sphere be it their culture, population, climate, geography and history. Australians culture is as wide and mixed as the landscape of the country thus it is a multicultural and interracial which is highlighted in their food, cultural practices and lifestyle and experience (Laitin, Moortgat and Robinson 2012). Moreover, it also has an essential heritage from that of its indigenous population that acts in a determined way in the cultural landscape. This diversity in Australia makes their cultural environment lively, innovative, energized and outward looking. Now the challenging question arise that whether Australia is an Asian country or not. If the geographical marking is considered then Australia is an island as well as a continent but they are not included in the list of Asian countries. However, it is often considered as a part of the general region that is known as the Oceania. Australia has culturally influenced from many ethnic groups from Europe, South Africa, Asia and South America. Therefore, this essay discusses about whether Australia is an Asian country or not in the past, present and future days. Australia is becoming number 1 in because of its growing number of Asian immigrations due to their multicultural phenomenon. More and More Asian is entering Australia because it is easier for them to get their first temporary resident Visa and then permanent resident Visa and finally becoming the Australian citizen. In the professional field, if other countries are to be compared then it can be observed that it is very easy to get a job (Collins 2013). However, the life style is much expensive in Australia but a middle class employee will surely earn more in Australia than in any other Anglo-Saxon country enclosing Asia. In comparison to Australias, neighbor, which is the United States, does not give so many benefits through their Heath Insurance policies as Australias health insurance policies give them. Australia however is the worlds smallest continent that does not hold any kind of impact on inflow of their populations from all over the world from the past twenty years. Moreover, in the past there it has also been seen that after overcoming the sufferings of its White Policy, it is now that not only the workers but also their whole family has immigrated to this huge country. Therefore, from the last 70 years this law has however allowed only white people especially the Anglo-Saxons and people from Greece or Italy to enter the territory of Australia. Presently, it is observed that majority of the Asian students comes to Australia because the Anglo-Saxon country that surrounds Asia, it is Australia who has the cheapest tuition fee to get a degree at the University (Lee and Ciftci 2014). Another advantage for the Asian students to complete their University degree in Australia is because after getting an Australian degree it becomes easier for them to earn a better salary and to opt for wider career opportunities (Gomes 2015). The process of availing the students Visa is also very smooth and quick than United States or Canada. Australia is very much influenced by Globalization as today the worlds economic powers are totally in the hands of Asia. Since 2010, Japan, China, India and Korea were the initial four recipients countries for exportations in Australia. Thus, together with Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan they started rendering 63% of the total number of exportations. Therefore, China and United States has important roles to play in the Australian economic security and military respectively. Recently, it has been found that Australia and Asian countries are assembling in many economic organizations like ASEAN+6, the TPP, the APEC and the FPDA. As these organizatio ns are targeting free trade concerning goods, development and growth along with stability and peace therefore they are moving ahead sidelining their past to build a brand new diplomatic association. Thus, though the facts are showing the influence of Asian countries on Australia it also clearly highlights that Australia is not an Asian country. Geographically Australia is not a part of Asia but as many experts consider that in many other ways Australia can be considered a part of Asia. For instance, many indigenous Australians are related to Central as well as South Asian populations and even few have their genetics that specify them to have a Melanesia and Papuan background. Moreover, Australia is also the member of the APEC that is Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which publicize close ties of economy with the region of Asia-Pacific. However, many think that because of Australias participation with APEC and the economic bond that they publicize make them of among the Asian countries but that is not the reality. The reality is that Asian cultures have influenced Australians greatly for which it many wrongfully think Australia being one among them (Wood 2014). Asia has so much cultural influence on Australia that a question arises more often about the authenticity of the existence of Asian Australian culture. However, there is no such culture known as Asian Australian culture rather in Australia one singular culture exists that is solely influenced by Asia and is known as Australian culture. If the relationship between the multicultural Australia and Asian centuries is taken into consideration then it can be observed in the following ways- The association between Asia and Australia has never been that powerful but still the trade and economic activities are regulated towards Asia. Australias prosperity in Australia is mainly because of its multiculturalism. It has found that more than 2 million of the Asian people are living in Australia involving around 650,000 Chinese-speaking people. However, in a recent report published in Australia on their Capitalizing on Culture the findings say that approximate 24% of the of the Australian community belonging to the general category was from the non-Anglo-Celtic and non-North-western European cultural origins. However, only 11% of their CEOs, senior executives as 9% as well as 7% of the chairs were defined to have come from such origins. Therefore, it has been seen that from the very past Asian has a tendency to get attracted towards Australia because it has a better position geographically than any other Western nation to which the Asian countries can influence. Australia has some huge supplies of resources and minerals in the world followed by a stable government, powerful system of education, safe supply of food and water, flourishing tourism markets along with a strong record of accomplishment of capital growth among the property markets. Moreover, the Census data of 2016 has revealed that Australians are becoming more A sian than any other country. The influence of Asia is observed in the Australians as the data concluded that around 50.7% of the population has two parents who are Australian born. If the census data of 2011 is to be tallied then it can be said that there has been a fall from 54%, which further means that in the recent future the second generation Aussies will become a minority group. The 2016 census further stated that more than 6,150,000 people use to born overseas compared to the data of 2011 which figured the number as 5,280,802. Around two third of the population in Australia are born in that very country (Czaika and Haas 2014). It has now the condition that Australias greatest cities are more Asian than British which is very much highlighted in the Census data that how in unbelievably Asian migrations have flourished in Australia and changed its face. It has also been observed that in recent years the larger proportions of immigrants in the Harbor City are from China rather being from England (Bowen 2012). The residents who are born in china build up to 4.7% of Sydneys 4.8 million people in comparison with 3.1% from England. The very recent data of Australia has further revealed that the Muslim population in Australia has doubled. However, records also states that there are 30% of Australians who are not identify themselves as having any particular religion. The emerging Chinese immigrants to New South Whales are a clear indication that Australias connection with China has been replaced with Asia. In the greater parts of Sydney, it has been observed that it has become the residence for 40% of the Muslims po pulation of the nation, which has increased from 340,000 in 2006 to almost 604,000 until 2016. Almost quarter of Australians is recently taking birth overseas with 18% of immigrant arriving within the last five years. Asian people considers that Australia is the best country to raise their children because of their less competitive and healthy environmental opportunities. Not only this, Australia has better economical conditions along with stronger immigration policies for which Asians mostly prefer Australia (Dyster and Meredith 2012). In recent years many students from the Asian country has come up to study in Australia due to their vast career options along with the easy process of getting the Visa (Robertson 2013). Another major opportunity for the students is that Australian degree can help then greatly to have a successful career, which can help them to carry on with the expenses to maintain an Australian lifestyle. Asian migrants are mainly younger than European migrants that mean that the transfer from Asian is guiding the slowdown of their population. However, only 23.5% of residents recognize their ancestry in Australian, which was slowdown from 29% in 2006. In recent records, it has been seen that Australia has 300 diverse languages even including the indigenous languages (Tsunoda 2017). Thus, from the essay it can be concluded that Australia is not an Asian country neither in the past, not now and it has no chances in the future. As analyzed in the above essay I am more assured now that as the days are passing Asians are having much of their cultural influences on Australia. As per the data it is very clear that maximum of the residents in Australia is Asian population and they are so much attracted to particularly Australia is because of the opportunities the immigrants get when they fly to Australia. From the academic degrees to professional career, Asian people have occupied a large space in Australia. However, living with maximum Asians the original Australians have taken up much of the Asian culture and started believe them as Asians. Being an Australian myself, I find that maximum of my University friends are Asian and thus growing up with them, have made my fondness strong for their culture. A very small example that I recently noticed in myself is that I lik e Asian cuisines more than British cuisines References Bowen, A.M., 2012.Archaeology of the Chinese fishing industry in colonial Victoria(Vol. 3). Sydney University Press. Collins, J., 2013. Rethinking Australian immigration and immigrant settlement policy.Journal of Intercultural Studies,34(2), pp.160-177. Czaika, M. and Haas, H., 2014. The globalization of migration: Has the world become more migratory?.International Migration Review,48(2), pp.283-323. Dyster, B. and Meredith, D., 2012.Australia in the global economy: Continuity and change. Cambridge University Press. Gomes, C., 2015. Negotiating everyday life in Australia: Unpacking the parallel society inhabited by Asian international students through their social networks and entertainment media use.Journal of Youth Studies,18(4), pp.515-536. Laitin, D.D., Moortgat, J. and Robinson, A.L., 2012. Geographic axes and the persistence of cultural diversity.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,109(26), pp.10263-10268. Lee, J.Y. and Ciftci, A., 2014. Asian international students socio-cultural adaptation: Influence of multicultural personality, assertiveness, academic self-efficacy, and social support.International Journal of Intercultural Relations,38, pp.97-105. Robertson, S., 2013.Transnational student-migrants and the state: The education-migration nexus. Springer. Tsunoda, T., 2017.Language endangerment and language revitalization: An introduction. De Gruyter Mouton. Wood, S.P., 2014. Australia and ASEAN: A Marriage of Convenience?. InThe Australia-ASEAN Dialogue(pp. 13-32). Palgrave Macmillan US.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Cuddle Infant Warmer Bags Business plan †

Question: Discuss about the Cuddle Infant Warmer Bags Business plan. Answer: Vision Statement The vision of Cuddle Infant Warmer Bags is to provide the best economical incubation services for babies born prematurely in the outskirts of Melbourne where there is no electricity and quality medical care. We expect to build it into a $30 million business within three years. Mission Statement To provide an affordable backcountry incubation services by collaborating with non-governmental organizations and the ministry of health. Goals Manufacture and distribute 1 million bags by the second year Increase gross revenues by 10% in the first year Attain profit before interest and tax of $ 1 million Establish a long-term best relationship with all our clients by Attaining 95% on-time delivery of services with 97% accuracy. Open office branches at Canberra after the first year Strategies Become internationally known for the production of economical incubation bags that do not use electricity. Concentrate on non-governmental organizations that offer health care services and the ministry of health. Establish client base by the first year of operations. Promote initial trial by offering free Cuddle Infant Warmer Bags to families with pre-mature babies. Design add-on sales by promoting the benefits of the bag and how to reheat it using water. Attract and retain key employees by offering competitive perks and rewarding performance. Action Plans Finalize on the formal business plan by 04/04/2018 Complete the test product by 20/04/2018 Launch the product in the market in Dec 2018 Launch sales campaign in Dec 2018